Record a video of yourself, a screencast (recording of your screen while you talk with or without your video embedded), or only audio. Video/Audio files are saved to your Google Drive, where you can then grab a shareable link and post for your students to access OR you can upload your videos to Youtube. You also have the ability to download video/audio files if necessary.

Teacher Access

  1. Add the Screencastify extension to your Chrome browser

  2. Follow the prompts and Log in with Google

  3. Choose your ECS email account

  4. Once the extension is added to your browser, you can click on the extension at any time to start a recording (up to 5 min/recording; unlimited recordings).

Link to Other Helpful Videos

Student Access

  1. Add the Screencastify extension to your Chrome browser

  2. Follow the prompts and Log in with Google

  3. Choose your ECS email account

  4. Once the extension is added to your browser, you can click on the extension at any time to start a recording.